Richmond Place Plan
A strategic vision and framework to guide future public realm improvements in Richmond, to ensure it remains and grows as a healthy, safe, sustainable, vibrant and people-oriented place.

The future of town centres and high streets has long been a matter of concern. Like many other local centres across the country, Richmond is affected by changing retail and lifestyle trends, challenges brought by the pandemic, climate change and heavy traffic.
A design team led by Steer and including AR Urbanism and Authentic Futures has been commissioned by Richmond Business Improvement District to develop a Place Plan - a strategic vision to guide future BID initiatives with recommendations for street, and public space and placemaking projects.
We were involved in this commission as part of AR Urbanism, and we led an extensive public and stakeholder engagement programme that informed the proposals.
The Place Plan introduces public realm improvements with a multifunctional approach that offers the environmental, community and social benefits, as well as ones that are directly business-related.

‘London’s high streets and town centres have shaped the fabric of our great city. They are a focal point for our culture, communities and everyday economies. They support the most sustainable models of living and working, including active travel and shorter commutes. And they are where new ideas, new ways of living, new businesses and new experiences are made’
Mayor of London, ‘High Streets & Town Centres, Adaptive Strategies’

J. M. W. Turner ‘The Thames from Richmond Hill’